Conference Experiences
April 13-15, 2019
ISPIÂ Annual Conference 2019
ISPI is an international organization that focuses on the field of Human Performance Technology (HPT). Part of the conference is a university case study competition.
Through this competition, universities create teams of graduate students that solve a "case study" using HPT principles. This year I was part of a Purdue team that participated in the event. Through this competition, I helped my team create a proposal that solved the issue given.
Our team's deliverable included an executive summary of our methodology and proposal as well as presenting our solution at the conference. The presentation was judged by experts in the field based on their HPT experience.
This year our team, Team Solutions, received second place. The team comprised of: Mohan Yang, Mohammad Duha, Anthony Randolph, and myself. The academic advisor for the team was Dr. Jennifer Richardson .
Contact me for access to the executive summary and conference presentation.